15 Vegan and Vegetarian Greek foods

Don’t eat meat or animal products? Not a problem in Greece. Here are 15 Vegan and Vegetarian Greek foods you can try on your Greece trip

While many associate Greek cuisine with meat-heavy dishes like pita gyros, the truth is, the traditional Greek kitchen is a haven for plant-based enthusiasts. In this guide, we’ll delve into 15 Vegan and Vegetarian Greek foods that await you on your next Grecian adventure.

Ordering Vegan and Vegetarian food in Greek Tavernas

When dining out in Greece, it’s essential to specify your dietary preferences. While the country is becoming increasingly aware of veganism, it’s always a good idea to mention that you’re looking for dishes without cheese or any other animal products. Let’s get into the 15 Vegan and Vegetarian Greek foods now!

1. Briam: A delightful medley of vegetables roasted in the oven.

2. Arakas: A comforting dish made made of peas, carrots, and potatoes, simmered in a rich tomato sauce. It’s a great example of the simplicity of Greek delicious greek home-cooking.

3. Fakes: One of my favorites: a bowl of hearty lentil soup or curry. This dish is on the table in many Greek households.

4. Gemista: Translating to ‘stuffed’, Gemista features peppers or tomatoes filled with rice. Some versions might include meat, so always specify your preference.

5. Dolmades: These vine leaves stuffed with rice are bite-sized delights that are perfect as an appetizer or a light snack. Again, sometimes they’re stuffed with meat as well. So check before you order!

6. Fasolia and Gigantes: Whether you prefer the regular white beans (Fasolia) or the larger variety (Gigantes), these bean dishes, often prepared as stews with tomato, are a protein-packed choice for vegans and vegetarians.

7. Fasolakia: A green bean stew (long green beans / haricot verts) that’s both nutritious and flavorful.

8. Revithia: A chickpea soup or stew that is very rich in flavor. Sometimes it has cheese on top. Which I personally like, but if you’re vegan, better double-check,

10. Tourlou: A mixed vegetable stew or bake, which differs from Briam because it is not necessarily prepared in the oven.

11. Kolokithokefedes: These fried vegetable croquettes, often made with zucchini, are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. A word of caution for strict vegans: some versions might contain cheese and eggs. They also exist containing other vegetables, such as tomato keftedes with tomato.

12. Melitzanes Imam: Eggplants stuffed with a mix of tomato sauce, garlic, and onions.

13. Risottos: From Spanakorizo (spinach risotto) to Lachanorizo (cabbage risotto) and Prasorizo (leek risotto), the Greek take on risotto is both unique and delicious.

14. Patates Yiaxni: A yummy potato stew.

15. Kritarakia (Orzo): This pasta risotto is a delightful change from the usual rice-based dishes. So you will find many variations on the menus, with vegetables, meat and fish. In that respect, be sure that it does not contain cheese or any other animal products.

16. Bamia: Last but not least, savor the taste of baked okra, a dish that’s both healthy and flavorful.

A summary and visual presentation of these tips can be found in the  video below:
DISCLAIMER Trachanas CAN contain milk or yoghurt both in the soup as well as in the weath pasta, BUT there’s also a Vegan version and can also be made with water or broth / stock 🙂. Kolokithokeftedes can also contain feta (besides egg). 


⚠️**DISCLAIMER Trachanas CAN contain milk or yoghurt both in the soup as well as in the weath pasta, BUT there’s also a Vegan version and can also be made with water or broth / stock 🙂. Kolokithokeftedes can also contain feta (besides egg). ➡️Vegan and vegetarian GREEK foods for you to eat on your trip to Greece. #greece #greekfood #greecetrip #greecetravel #veganfood #vegangreekfood #vegetariangreek #vegetariangreekfoods

♬ Little Things - Tiqta

Thank you for reading this blog on 15 Vegan and Vegeterian Greek foods. Happy Travels! 🌊🌞🇬🇷, enjoy your holiday in Greece!

And check my other Greece blogs if you need more info for your travels to Greece.

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